Monday, August 18, 2008

Prague Blague

I wanted to take it easy on the beer after barcelona, but the beer just keeps getting cheaper and more delicous as this trip progresses. Fortunately our accomodation in Prague was quite homey, so nights off partying were possible (still rare). Yes, I went to the 5 story nightclub. Overrated, but at least I can say I've been there right? meh. I preferred the strip club/brothel across the street from the hostel (just kidding mom!). Contrary to Dave's blog, I highly encourage drinking Absinthe.

Shoes hanging from a power line usually signifies one of two things: a drug dealer's house, or a skate spot. When no one offered me any drugs immediately upon entering Stalin Square (no longer called that but who cares, i'm an ignorant tourist), I assumed it was the latter. I was right. It resides on a hill overlooking the Vltava(?) and all of Prague, has a gigantic metronome and is a glorious skate spot. I spent a fair amount of time there, mostly because I really like metronomes. Prague is the most beautiful city I've ever visited.

Krakow was next, and I used this time for a little detox. I even saw the new Batman movie, because what else do you do if you're not going to a bar at night? Its a smaller city and there was less to see, so my stint in Krakow was relatively short. Dave and I made a day trip out to Auschwitz and Birkenau, the notorious Nazi death camps. I'm trying to keep this blog lighthearted so I won't say much about this, other than that it was shocking. We saw massive rooms full of the hair, shoes, and other belongings of the families whose bloodlines came to an end there. To understate, the Nazis were real dicks. Moving on, as I write this I realize that I never ate any Polish sausage, and now I'm pissed off. Great.

The amount of people who can speak English is rapidly decreasing as we continue to head east, making ordering meals more and more of a gamble. Krakow and Prague have castles, cathedrals, and castles with cathedrals inside. Need I say more? In Hungary now.

Friday, August 8, 2008


So apparently the best way to get over jet lag is to just drink copious amounts of alcohol. You don't notice it at all when you're ridiculously hung over. I might've just slept my days away, but thankfully I had Brits knocking on my door most mornings ( ~1pm) to get me skateboarding. Jog on mate. Anytime said knock didn't come, I would instead be woken up by Irish girls telling me to start drinking. Dave had already been travelling for several weeks so he was in excellent drinking shape. I had catching up to do.

So the days were a mix of skating, laying on the beach, and sometimes visiting tourist traps, though thick crowds often discouraged the last one. Between my dehydration and the absolutely ridiculous heat, I have never drank so much water without pissing in my life. Air conditioning is a glorious invention. The Mediterranean Sea is also a good invention. Way to go God.

The nights usually began with some drinks in the hostel room, mainly because of the air conditioning. Then either the shitshow that was our hostel lobby, or Tequila. Tequila, or the Dank Pit as we called it, is definitely the best bar ever. For example, when the person you're speaking with starts to annoy you, you can just grab one of many conveniently located pairs of head phones and listen to music. Next we would try to find a bar without ridiculous cover charge, or we often would just wander the streets sampling beer from street vendors (it was always delicious, they do good work).

Important note: the pigeons in Barcelona are way more haggard than ours back home! See photo. My boarding passes say that I was there for two weeks, but I don't remember most of that period so my accuracy is questionable. I'm in Prague now so in a while I'll let you know what my camera tells me about that city, because I don't plan on remembering much about Prague either. Budvar.